Dublin University Squash Club visit to Paris
December 2012
Squash players from the Dublin University Squash Rackets Club visited Paris shortly
before Christmas 2012. In the course of a weekend, squash matches were played
against Squash Montmartre, the home club of the current DUSRC captain, and against
the Société Sportive de Jeu de Paume et de Racquets. The latter, as
well as being a leading Paris squash club, is of course home to a busy real tennis court,
and the Irish group was fortunate to have the opportunity of a lesson and a match or two
of jeu de paume. Many thanks are due to the real tennis professional at the Paris
court, Adrian Kemp, for his warm welcome, and for introducing a few more Irish players to
this fascinating game.
The photo shows the group on the real tennis court at the Société
Sportive de Jeu de Paume et de Racquets.